HEAD TEACHER’S MOB: 0704779956 H/M’S E-MAIL: nabulimenoel@gmail.com SCHOOL EMAIL: sjoskakindu9@gmail.com
JOSKA being a Catholic founded school, the Bishop of Kiyinda Mityana Diocese through Diocesan Education Secretary directly influences who heads this Mighty school. Even with the Government aiding scheme, Government first consults the Bishop on who to post as a head teacher:
The following have served in this mighty school as head teachers and we thank them for their dedicated service with Diligence and Loyalty:
Mr. Ssewante Edward
Mrs. Kikomeko Cotildah
Mr. Mubanda L.
Mr. Lugaaju John served up to 2018
Mrs. Nassozi Immaculate Lwanga served up to Feb 2022
Mrs. Nabulime Noeline Mubuuke - Current Head Teacher