HEAD TEACHER’S MOB: 0704779956 H/M’S E-MAIL: nabulimenoel@gmail.com SCHOOL EMAIL: sjoskakindu9@gmail.com
With Diligence and Loyalty
St. Joseph’s Secondary School Kakindu is Catholic Church founded, Government grant-aided and Universal Secondary Education School in Kiyinda Mityana Diocese established in hence it is years old.

St. Joseph's SSS Kakindu (JOSKA)was established in 1967, hence it is 56 years old.
Under Kiyinda Mityana Diocese (KMD), in Mwera Catholic Parish, Kakindu Town board , Kakindu Sub-County, Busujju County of Buganda, Mityana District -Central Uganda, East Africa. 10 KM off from Zigoti Town council along Kampala-Mityana Road.
JOSKA is a mixed day and boarding school catholic founded but being aided by the government of Uganda to run USE program.
running both 'O' and 'A' level with Arts and Science subjects.
fully registered with UNEB and MOES.
“To Nurture and Develop people with integrity through Excellent school performance.
Our Story
We as JOSKA community, decided to come up with this WEB SITE as a way to reach out to our stake holder who among include but not limited to the following:
Foundation Body
School Management Committee
Teaching and Non Teaching staff
Well wishers.
we strongly believe that with this web site, we shall be able to digitize and tap into the global markets as well as simplifying our service delivery.
Enjoy while navigating through with Diligence and Loyalty
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